Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hey. Hello. Hi.

I haven't blogged since the spring. I was just reading over old post, reminiscing about the glory days of my relativity short blogging life... It made me miss this. So I decided to post this. Also, I felt dumb leaving things as they were in my last post. (Whiny.)

I don't know how regular of a thing this salvaging of my blog will be. I go back and forth as to how much I want to do this. This very post may become another contrived effort in a week of or a month... but that has never stopped me from making said contrived efforts in the past, so...

About the fact that possibly no one will read this; at the moment I don't care. I'm feeling ambitious! So take that, last post! :P

Ok. Now to actually talk about my life... This semester, summed up so far? Good. Better than the last one. Being not a freshman is better than being one. (sorry to all you freshmen out there)
Also, I'm an ARA this year. (assistant resident assistant, which I'm pretty sure no other school in existence has...) That has taught me allot. About patience, and prayer, and how to set examples, and all that good stuff.

Let's see... I'm just doing allot of growing lately (I think... I'm pretty sure).
One thing I am not growing in? Or away from/ out of, I should say: procrastination. For instance! Right now I am blogging instead of writing a paper that is due tomorrow. I'll probably be up super late because of this... But I'll refrain from complaining out of sheer stubbornness, Drink allot of coffee tomorrow, and get on with life.

Now I've come to the awkward part of the blog where I forget how to end these things... So here are some quotes for you that I found recently.
“The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.”
-A. A. Milne

“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.”

“You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”

Monday, March 28, 2011

Are you listening?

I am the least inspired person on the planet today. There is only one reason that I am writing this post, and that is to tell you all that If you want me to blog ever again, then you should probably comment on the things that I write. I don't care what you say, but when nobody says anything, I assume it's because nobody is reading it. And if no one reading, than what is the point of blogging? I only say this because I have been told in person on more than one occasion that I need to blog more often... So say something please. Also, in case you care, today is the last day of spring break, most of which I spent singing in Michigan. And that is all I'm saying, cause like I said, I'm pretty apathetic today. Bye.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

* Insert title here *

I know that I just blogged or whatever, but who cares? (I'm sorry if you actually do...)

WHAT a nerve wracking day it has been. Guys? I really wish right now that I could talk to you all about things... I miss your advice. Or just presence. I guess this will just have to do.

I started things off with a test at 8. I think that that part actually went well... I think. But I was still nervous.

At 3:20 I had an interview with the deans of my school, for being an RA or ARA. I really don't know how to gauge these sorts of things, but they didn't laugh at me or kick me out of the office or anything. I'm just really afraid of rejection. I know it's silly. I understand that if they don't choose me as an RA or ARA, it really isn't a huge deal. I know that it's not an insult, and I know that it might not even be saying that I'm unqualified. But in my sill mind, I feel like they are saying, "you are not good enough for us."

Last, as I mentioned in my last post, that I am sort of co-teaching the youth at my church? Well tonight was the first night of that. It was pretty humbling. I don't think that it was completely awful or anything... But I have allot to learn. Teaching is hard. I've really only done winterfest teaching before (or the equivalent) and let me tell you something. Teaching your peers is WAY easier than teaching a group of people that is younger than you, and is actually looking to you for teaching. (Or maybe they aren't. I can't really be sure.)

I don't think it was a total loss. I mean, when you're telling people about the word of God, it never is (God can use broken words). And I did learn allot about teaching, and just from preparing the lesson... But what I'm saying is that there is allot of room for improvement on my part.

So yeah. That is my day... I miss you guys. Bye.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mostly because Marcy told me to...

Ok. I have not blogged in a while... sorry about that. especially if reading my blog is the primary way that you keep up with my life (which I'm realizing is more of you than it used to be...).
So, as much as I would love to write a very long and detailed post, I have little time.. And three tests this week... But I'll try and hit the main highlights.

I'mmmmm really busy this semester. (19 credit hours...) But I really really really like my classes. Dis. Pre. is not nearly as hard as people here make it out to be, but Mr. Smith (who teaches theology, not Dis. Pre.) IS just as hard of a teacher as they say. Also, I think that certain teachers probably conspire on their lessons so that they can emphasize certain themes... tricky little guys...

This is the book I am currently reading. It is more enlightening than... a light bulb? Spiritual life class? both. Put together.

Three. This is the album that I have been addicted to lately.

Four. For about five weeks, I've been working with the youth group at my church. They have a youth leader (maybe pastor? I'm not really sure...), but he didn't really have any lessons planned. So my friend Ross and I are co teaching. He's going through Genesis, and I'm going through John, and we switch off. I actually haven't taught yet... Wednesday is my first lesson, and I'm really really exited and nervous at the same time. But everyone in the group is really eager to learn, so I think It will be good.

...And that is the end for now.

P.S. I really am going to blog more often... sorry if I fail... again.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Leavin' Home and Commin' Home.

Tomorrow marks the END of my first semester here. I feel like I should be wandering around in sandals and short sleeves, not knowing anyone, or what to do with myself... Man, I'm glad that part is over. I'm glad that I belong here now.

I'm also glad that I'm going to be on break soon though. I feel like this: It's easier to be myself back in St. Louis, because people know what I'm like already. I guess some do here too, but not to the same extent. I feel like everything I do here is forming an opinion in the minds of other as to what kind of person that I am. It's true; that is what is happening. In one way, i like that, and it's really exiting. But at the same time, it will be nice to not have to worry about that for a while.

Also, I'm a little nervous about next semester... I'm already asking myself why on earth I'm taking 18 hours... But I can do it!(I think) Here is my reasoning behind it all:
This semester I took 15 hours (6 Classes), and got by with pretty good grades, and pretty much no organization of...anything. So if I actually work ahead on easy things over break, and be organized and all that poop, then I'm sure I'll be fine... I guess only time will tell.

Speaking of grades, I was surprised yesterday by a ridiculously easy OT final, which brought my grade up to barely an A. But it's still an A, and Dr. Miller in my new favorite person in the world.

That is all.

Friday, October 22, 2010

laundry list

I've been meaning to post for quite some time now. I've accualy started several post, but then (due to time constraints or something like that) not finished them. So sorry 'bout that.

Anyway, here is a list of some things that are on my mind. Because if I actually typed them all out in detail, I'm afraid you would all get bored, old or (more than likely) both by the time you were done reading it.

1. I can't wait till thanksgiving. I really miss St. Louis. (for the people, not so much the place its self)
2. I love this College (again, mostly because of the people).
3. WINTERFEST! There is practically nothing that could stop me from going (like always, but more so this year than others).
4. I've been getting the feeling lately that I'm not going to be home from college as much as others (and by that I mean people at other schools). For many reasons. I think I like that fact.
5. (to go along with #4) I've been realizing lately, that home is not so much a place as it is a concept, and I find myself very, very blessed to have more than one.
6. RANDOM FACT! I'm listening to Emery right now, and they make me feel cool, cause I'm a nerd.
7. God is amazing.

And that is all... for now.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My First Blog post From College!

So here it is. I meant to blog about a week and a half ago, but couldn't for a few reasons.
1. I had no Internet.
2. Even if I had had Internet, I wouldn't have had time.
But now freshmen weekend is over, and so is the first week of class. And I have a bit of time before I have to go get stated on homework. Most of which is reading the bible. By the end of the semester, I will have read the entire Old testament, (and the new, If I go on with the summer reading) and the book of John twice. Plus analyzing 1 Peter, and Jonah.

And I like my hall. Allot.

Yesterday was kind of the best I've had in what seems like a long time. (it feels like I've been here for at least a month) Not that other days were bad, but yesterday was really fun. I had class all day till two, then at three, I went and tried out for choir, and made it. (but they say that pretty much everyone dose, so don't be to impressed.)
Then last night there was an all school picnic at a nearby lake! (not the whole school actually came)
On the way there and back, a bunch of us sang praise songs and stuff. It was great, and and reminded me of home. After we got back, we went to the lounge, and did some more singing, followed by a game of Psychiatrist. And NINJA! But it was slightly different than our ninja, cause you could move anywhere, and attack anyone! So that was great.

So there is a little update on my life. There is so much more I could say, but I'll wait.
I love you all, and can't wait to see you all (in September)!